Art is the only thing that exists in his life.
His abstract paintings are perfect and self-sufficient. They appeal to the deepest levels of subconsciousness, to the borderline between the sense and sensibility aiming to stir up everybody's familiar feelings.
Ibragim Shanaev's paintings appear like a world where one would like to stay as long as possible using it for wandering along the pathways that are found over the earth. Windows of his houses radiate with the light well-known for everybody since childhood. Spring lives in the leafage of his trees. This world is entirely filled with the clarity of being, with calmness and harmony.
That's why the Ibragim Shanaev's art fetches the audience and devotees, as well as becomes a link in a chain of cultural values of the world with neither trendsettings nor chronology. It is the world where the most important thing is only the truth.